Road & Traffic
Colemans Fencing is a trusted partner in delivering a comprehensive range of road infrastructure solutions across Australia. Our expertise spans the installation of RMS pedestrian fencing, throw screens, rock fall fencing, and guard rails, designed to enhance safety and control along busy roadways and pedestrian zones. From protecting commuters with durable guard rails to preventing debris hazards with rock fall fencing, we tailor our solutions to meet the highest standards of road safety. With a proven track record on major infrastructure projects nationwide, Colemans Fencing is committed to building safer roads and public spaces throughout Australia.
Anti Throw
Colemans Fencing manufactures and installs a full range of Anti Throw Protection Screens to suit applications such as bridges, pedestrian walkways and embankments. Anti Throw Protection Screens are installed to prevent injury and damage from objects being thrown from bridges or embankments. Built from heavy duty materials Anti Throw Protection Screens are designed to prevent climbing up from the pedestrian side

Colemans Fencing is proud to have among our valued clients the Department of Housing, the State Rail Authority, the RTA NSW, Vic Roads and Roadtech QLD plus many Schools as well as all major Construction Companies.

Rock Fall Fencing
A rockfall barrier is a type of structure constructed to prevent rockfall by intercepting falling rocks. Typically made from metallic components, it usually consists of an interception structure suspended on post-supported cables. These barriers are designed as passive rockfall mitigation structures that can withstand rock block kinetic energies of up to 8 megajoules.

Colemans Fencing Offer a Complete Range of security bollards to match our client’s security needs. The flexibility with regard to inhouse manufacturing is one of the Colemans Fencings biggest advantages, offering a wide range of solutions for a variety of security demands and configurations. Colemans Fencing also supply and install a range of anti ram solutions including crash barriers, pop up barriers and anti ram gates.

Over the time Colemans Fencing has been in the industry we have become a well respected supplier and installer of various types of safety fencing to the RTA NSW, Vic Roads and Roadtech QLD and continue to do a range of jobs on NSW local roads and motorways. Colemans Fencing supply and install a large range of safety fencing such as Guardrail, Wire Rope, Rock Fall, Crash Barriers, Boom Gates, Bollards and Pedestrian Fencing Solutions.